We’ve developed a new collaborative model for publishing.
You’re invited to explore possibilities for publishing with us.
New Work
For your manuscript to be considered for publication, we’ll need a proposal that includes the following:
- Cover letter that includes your contact information
- Suggested title and subtitle
- Brief summary of your book (300 words or fewer)
- Table of Contents
- Brief summary for each proposed chapter (50-75 words)
- Proposed length of book (either words or manuscript pages)
- Manuscript completion date
- Marketing Analysis (i.e., primary and secondary audiences, how your book is unique or meets an audience need)
- Potential endorsers
- Author bio, including information about other published works
- Introduction
- Two or three sample chapters (note: do not send a complete manuscript).
Previously Published Work
If you’re seeking to reprint a previously published work, please provide:
- Cover letter that includes your contact information
- Book title and subtitle
- Publication information, including documentation about your right to reprint
- Brief summary of your book (300 words or fewer)
- Table of Contents
- Brief summary of each chapter (50-75 words)
- Length of book (printed pages)
- Marketing Analysis (i.e., primary and secondary audiences, why your book should be reprinted)
- Potential endorsers
- Author bio, including information about other published works
Kindly send manuscript proposals to: [email protected].
We’re committed to responding within two months via email. If you don’t hear from us within two months, please feel free to contact us via email.
We do not accept book proposals in these categories:
- Poetry
- Children’s picture books
- Current events, politics
- Cookbooks
- Popular Psychology